

1 . 永續發展辦公室
      1-1 . 關於SDGs與ESG
      1-2 . 目標與願景
      1-3 . 辦公室成員
      1-4 . 辦公室位置
2 . 關於明志
      2-1 . 認識明志
      2-2 . 沿革與特色
      2-3 . 辦學理念與目標
      2-4 . 發展使命與願景
      2-5 . 綠色大學
      2-6 . 財務績效
3 . 永續推動
      3-1 . 人權政策宣言
      3-2 . 永續推動
      3-3 . 永續議題推動
      3-4 . 利害關係人議合
      3-5 . 重大性分析
      3-6 . 回應聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)
4 . 推動永續發展歷程
      4-1 . 1.推動計畫(Plan)
      4-2 . 2.事實基礎報告書(Evidence-Based Reports)
      4-3 . 3.社會責任人才培育(USR Activities)
      4-4 . 4.國際化(Internationalization)
      4-5 . 5.認證(Certifications)
      4-6 . 6.獲獎(Awards)
      4-7 . 7.排名(Rankings)
5 . 明志永續故事
6 . 活動成果
7 . 相關連結
8 . 節能環保公開資訊
9 . 下載專區
10 . 世界大學影響力排名
      10-1 . SDG1終結貧窮
            10-1-1 . SDG 1: No Poverty(2023)
      10-2 . SDG2消除飢餓
            10-2-1 . SDG 2: Zero Hunger(2023)
      10-3 . SDG3健康與福祉
            10-3-1 . 3.2 Number of students graduating in health professions
                  10-3-1-1 . 3.2.1 Proportion of graduates in health professions(2023)
            10-3-2 . 3.3 Collaborations and health services
                  10-3-2-1 . 3.3.1 Current collaborations with health institutions(2023)
                  10-3-2-2 . 3.3.2 Health outreach programmes(2023)
                  10-3-2-3 . 3.3.3 Shared sports facilities(2023)
                  10-3-2-4 . 3.3.4 Sexual and reproductive health care services for students(2023)
                  10-3-2-5 . 3.3.5 Mental health support for students(2023)
                  10-3-2-6 . 3.3.6 Smoke-free policy(2023)
                  10-3-2-7 . 3.3.7 Mental health support for staff(2023)
      10-4 . SDG4優質教育
            10-4-1 . SDG 4: Quality Education(2023)
      10-5 . SDG5性別平等
            10-5-1 . SDG 5: Gender Equality(2023)
      10-6 . SDG6淨水與衛生
            10-6-1 . SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation(2023)
      10-7 . SDG7永續能源
            10-7-1 . 7.2 University measures towards affordable and clean energy
                  10-7-1-1 . 7.2.1 Energy-efficient renovation and building(2023)
                  10-7-1-2 . 7.2.2 Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficienc(2023)
                  10-7-1-3 . 7.2.3 Carbon reduction and emission reduction process(2023)
                  10-7-1-4 . 7.2.4 Plan to reduce energy consumption(2023)
                  10-7-1-5 . 7.2.5 Energy wastage identification(2023)
                  10-7-1-6 . 7.2.6 Divestment policy(2023)
            10-7-2 . 7.3 Energy use density
                  10-7-2-1 . 7.3.1 Energy usage per sqm(2023)
            10-7-3 . 7.4 Energy and the community
                  10-7-3-1 . 7.4.1 local community outreach for energy efficiency(2023)
                  10-7-3-2 . 7.4.2 100% renewable energy pledge(2023)
                  10-7-3-3 . 7.4.3 Energy efficiency services for industry(2023)
                  10-7-3-4 . 7.4.4 Policy development for clean energy technology(2023)
                  10-7-3-5 . 7.4.5 Assistance to low-carbon innovation(2023)
            10-7-4 . 7.5 Low-carbon energy use
                  10-7-4-1 . 7.5.1 Low-carbon energy use(2023)
      10-8 . SDG8就業與經濟成長
            10-8-1 . 8.2 Employment practice
                  10-8-1-1 . 8.2.1 Employment practice living wage(2023)
                  10-8-1-2 . 8.2.2 Employment practice unions(2023)
                  10-8-1-3 . 8.2.3 Employment policy on discrimination(2023)
                  10-8-1-4 . 8.2.4 Employment policy modern slavery(2023)
                  10-8-1-5 . 8.2.5 Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing(2023)
                  10-8-1-6 . 8.2.6 Employment policy pay scale equity(2023)
                  10-8-1-7 . 8.2.7 Tracking pay scale for gender equity(2023)
                  10-8-1-8 . 8.2.8 Employment practice appeal process(2023)
                  10-8-1-9 . 8.2.9 Employment practice labour rights(2023)
            10-8-2 . 8.3 Expenditure per employee
                  10-8-2-1 . 8.3.1 Expenditure per employee(2023)
            10-8-3 . 8.4 Proportion of students taking work placements
                  10-8-3-1 . 8.4.1 Proportion of students taking work placements(2023)
            10-8-4 . 8.5 Proportion of employees on secure contracts
                  10-8-4-1 . 8.5.1 Proportion of employees on secure contracts(2023)
      10-9 . SDG9工業化、創新及基礎建設
            10-9-1 . 9.3 University spin offs
                  10-9-1-1 . 9.3.1 Number of university spin offs(2023)
            10-9-2 . 9.4 Research income from industry
                  10-9-2-1 . 9.4.1 Research income per academic staff(2023)
      10-10 . SDG10減少不平等
            10-10-1 . SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities(2023)
      10-11 . SDG11永續城鄉
            10-11-1 . 11.2 Support of arts and heritage
                  10-11-1-1 . 11.2.1 Public access to buildings(2023)
                  10-11-1-2 . 11.2.2 Public access to libraries(2023)
                  10-11-1-3 . 11.2.3 Public access to museums(2023)
                  10-11-1-4 . 11.2.4 Public access to green spaces(2023)
                  10-11-1-5 . 11.2.5 Arts and heritage contribution(2023)
                  10-11-1-6 . 11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage(2023)
            10-11-2 . 11.3 Expenditure on arts and heritage
                  10-11-2-1 . 11.3.1 Arts and heritage expenditure(2023)
            10-11-3 . 11.4 Sustainable practices
                  10-11-3-1 . 11.4.1 Sustainable practices targets(2023)
                  10-11-3-2 . 11.4.2 Promote sustainable commuting(2023)
                  10-11-3-3 . 11.4.3 Allow remote working(2023)
                  10-11-3-4 . 11.4.4 Affordable housing for employees(2023)
                  10-11-3-5 . 11.4.5 Affordable housing for students(2023)
                  10-11-3-6 . 11.4.6 Pedestrian priority on campus(2023)
                  10-11-3-7 . 11.4.7 Local authority collaboration regarding planning and development(2023)
                  10-11-3-8 . 11.4.8 Planning development - new build standards(2023)
                  10-11-3-9 . 11.4.9 Building on brownfield sites(2023)
      10-12 . SDG12永續消費與生產
            10-12-1 . 12.2 Operational measures
                  10-12-1-1 . 12.2.1 Ethical sourcing policy(2023)
                  10-12-1-2 . 12.2.3 Policy waste disposal - hazardous materials(2023)
                  10-12-1-3 . 12.2.4 Policy waste disposal - landfill policy(2023)
                  10-12-1-4 . 12.2.5 Policy for minimisation of plastic use(2023)
                  10-12-1-5 . 12.2.6 Policy for minimisation of disposable items(2023)
                  10-12-1-6 . 12.2.7 Disposable policy: extensions to services(2023)
                  10-12-1-7 . 12.2.8 Minimisation policies extended to suppliers(2023)
            10-12-2 . 12.3 Proportion of recycled waste
                  10-12-2-1 . 12.3.1 Waste tracking(2023)
                  10-12-2-2 . 12.3.2 Proportion of waste recycled(2023)
            10-12-3 . 12.4 Publication of sustainability report
                  10-12-3-1 . 12.4.1 Publication of a sustainability report(2023)
      10-13 . SDG13氣候行動
            10-13-1 . SDG 13: Climate Action(2023)
      10-14 . SDG14海洋生態
            10-14-1 . SDG 14: Life Below Water(2023)
      10-15 . SDG15陸域生態
            10-15-1 . SDG 15: Life On Land(2023)
      10-16 . SDG16和平與正義制度
            10-16-1 . SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions(2023)
      10-17 . SDG17全球夥伴
            10-17-1 . 17.2 Relationships to support the goals
                  10-17-1-1 . 17.2.1 Relationships with NGOs and government for SDG policy(2023)
                  10-17-1-2 . 17.2.2 Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs(2023)
                  10-17-1-3 . 17.2.3 International collaboration data gathering for SDG(2023)
                  10-17-1-4 . 17.2.4 Collaboration for SDG best practice(2023)
                  10-17-1-5 . 17.2.5 Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs(2023)
            10-17-2 . 17.3 Publication of SDG reports
                  10-17-2-1 . 17.3.1 Publication of SDG report: SDG1(2023)
                  10-17-2-2 . 17.3.2 Publication of SDG report: SDG2(2023)
                  10-17-2-3 . 17.3.3 Publication of SDG report: SDG3(2023)
                  10-17-2-4 . 17.3.4 Publication of SDG report: SDG4(2023)
                  10-17-2-5 . 17.3.5 Publication of SDG report: SDG5(2023)
                  10-17-2-6 . 17.3.6 Publication of SDG report: SDG6(2023)
                  10-17-2-7 . 17.3.7 Publication of SDG report: SDG7(2023)
                  10-17-2-8 . 17.3.8 Publication of SDG report: SDG8(2023)
                  10-17-2-9 . 17.3.9 Publication of SDG report: SDG9(2023)
                  10-17-2-10 . 17.3.10 Publication of SDG report: SDG10(2023)
                  10-17-2-11 . 17.3.11 Publication of SDG report: SDG11(2023)
                  10-17-2-12 . 17.3.12 Publication of SDG report: SDG12(2023)
                  10-17-2-13 . 17.3.13 Publication of SDG report: SDG13(2023)
                  10-17-2-14 . 17.3.14 Publication of SDG report: SDG14(2023)
                  10-17-2-15 . 17.3.15 Publication of SDG report: SDG15(2023)
                  10-17-2-16 . 17.3.16 Publication of SDG report: SDG16(2023)
                  10-17-2-17 . 17.3.17 Publication of SDG report: SDG17(2023)
            10-17-3 . 17.4 Education for the SDGs
                  10-17-3-1 . 17.4.1 Education for SDGs: commitment to meaningful education(2023)
                  10-17-3-2 . 17.4.2 Education for SDGs: specific courses on sustainability(2023)
                  10-17-3-3 . 17.4.3 Education for SDGs in the wider community(2023)
                  10-17-3-4 . 17.4.4 Sustainability Literacy(2023)